How to (SERIOUSLY) Look Taller

Hello, my name is Rié and I AM 5’1” AND A QUARTER.

Hope you are doing well, my friends! I have been focusing on things off of social media, so I am looking forward to being here and sharing something fun today!

In clothes and at ballet, MY WHOLE LIFE is all about “how tall I look”. Yes, I’ve been dealing with this topic since forever. Today I am sharing what my-five-foot-one-and-a-quarter-self has been doing for over a decade to trick everyone’s eyes. In Japan, this topic is quite often picked up by many fashion magazines, and that’s where I learned most of the tricks I share with you today. I wanted to share something that’s not just for pictures, that works in real life. And I promise you, they surely work!

When it comes to this topic I almost think like a scientist more than just a fashion lover. I have experimented a lot for a long time, and now I have this knowledge and I am happy. Hope this post helps you too, my petite friends!


1: High Waist Bottoms

This is a 101 trick, and if you’ve ever noticed, that’s how I wear ALL of my bottoms. If I find something I love but they are not really high waisted designs, I pull them up (if it fits) and mark at the high waist!


2: Maxi Pants + Heels, and


The more fabric you see, the taller you look. I’ve heard “showing ankles” makes you look taller, but it only works for semi-short people. If you are short-short like me, showing ankles will cut the illusion! Keep your pants absolutely maxi!


3: Maxi Dress

Between my friends I’m known to wear fancy maxi dresses. It just makes this illusion that no one can tell where my legs start and end. Also I prefer maxi length because they just simply make me look more mature. For this reason I never wear a romper, I look nothing but childish!


4: A-Line Skirt / Dress

I love A-line skirts, because 1) They are already a high waisted design, and 2) It hides the shape of your legs in a different way than pants do. When I wear A-line skirts I don’t necessarily wear heels either, the volumed skirts will do all the work! Also for this reason, I avoid anything that is V-line, e.g. Cigarette pants.


5: Bring Eyes Up With Accessories

Big earrings, straw hats, beret hats, hair pins, et cetera… Bring people’s eyes higher, somehow makes you look taller (another illusion!) And now you know why I favor these accessories quite often…


6: Wear Pointed or Square Toe Shoes, AVOID ROUND TOE

You look taller if your feet are bigger (I learned this from ballet), and I’d take anything to look an inch longer. Pointed and square toes give me the much needed lengths on my size 6 feet!


7: Mark Your Waist

The higher the waist starts, the longer your legs looks. Mark your waist with belts or scarves, perhaps wrap a shirt around! This trick gives a look some new vibes, too!


8: The Ankle Lines

I spent so long in my teenage years to find this “flattering line” of my legs - if I wear socks or boots that cut exactly where the photo is showing, my legs look magically longer. If it’s lower, my muscular calves stand out, if longer my legs look chunkier and shorter. Everyone has different line for this, so you have to find your own, but when you do, you will understand what I’m talking about!


9: Monochrome Outfit + Different Colored Long Coat

I admire this way of styling, because it is just a simple magic to look taller. Monochrome outfit itself already makes you look taller, but adding a long coat that is not the same color just does amazing trick.


10: Or Match Bottoms and Outer Color

This color balance makes the top stand out, which bring people’s eyes higher. (If the bottoms are high waisted just like the picture, it works even better.)



As much as I try to look taller everyday, I don’t loathe my height. I enjoy being a fun-size human and it is a big part of being who I am. So try not to envy taller people, we have our own good facts about being short, and I think that’s lovely!

The world is in such a madness, but it is September and September is a month of fashion! Hope you stay safe and healthy, on top of being fabulous!


Photos by Haley Hopkins, Angela Zielen, Casey Jo, Cara Kelly, and Anya Kay